SENDCo Sarah Burt
1. How will the pre-school know if my child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
At Rush Green Pre-School we pride ourselves on a high staff to child ratio, enabling us to have small manageable sized key groups, so we really get to know our children. Through a mixture of observations, 2 year old progress checks, recording the child’s progress and development, in line with the early years foundation stage, and working in partnership with our parents we can see if there are any areas of concern that may indicate whether a child has special educational needs.
All staff at the setting recognise the importance of early identification and intervention and providing the correct provision for any child with special educational needs.
Rush Green Pre-School's special educational needs co-ordinators (SENCo), is Sarah Burt, who will oversee the identification and provision being made in the setting for any child with special educational needs. If you are concerned that your child may have special educational needs, please feel free to have a chat with Sarah, or your child’s key person.
Your child’s key person will still continue to be responsible for working with your child on a daily basis, with the SENCo supporting them in further assessments of your child’s development and progress and ensuring the effective implementation of any support required by your child.
2. How does the Pre-School evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for my child?
We work closely with our parents to provide the best provision and outcomes for all our children, making time to listen to them and allowing them to express their concerns about their child’s development and progress.
Planned targeted provision will be put in place if your child is not making expected progress, and an individual education plan (IEP) which details your child’s needs, ways we can help them and specific agreed targets will be put in place. The IEP is monitored by the SENCo and regularly reviewed to ensure that your child’s needs are being met and that the additional support being provide is helping your child to progress.
3. How will both the Pre-School setting and I know how my child is doing and how will the setting help me to support my child’s learning?
Your child’s progress will be tracked in the same way that any other child’s will be, by your child’s key person, but with the added support and monitoring by the SENCo, for children with special educational needs. This information will be shared regularly with you as the parent/carer, at the end of sessions as well as at a parent and key person progress meeting. We are also happy to have a meeting with you to discuss individually agreed targets and the progress made from these at any other time you want.
4. How will Pre-School staff support my child?
Although your child will have a designated key person, all staff will support your child to progress and develop, using the additional provision that is put in place to aid your child’s learning and to break down any barriers that are preventing your child from effectively learning and developing.
With all staff supporting your child we can ensure that they are getting the best out of our setting, and that decisions and actions can be reviewed, adapted and revised as your child’s needs, and what helps them to make good progress to reach their intended outcomes, becomes more understood.
5. How is the decision made about the type of support my child will receive?
The level of support your child receives will be based on your child’s individual needs, for example a child who has social and interaction difficulties will be supported through small group work during key person time or supporting them in how to play and interact with other children.
If your child requires a more planned intervention then the key person and SENCo will be further supported, with your consent, by the Area Special Educational and Disabilities Co-ordinator (Area SENDCo), who will help to suggest and support putting planned strategies into place.
6. How will my child be included in activities outside the Pre-School including outings?
No child will be excluded from an outing and all children will be encouraged to take part, we will make any adjustments that we are able to in order to assist with this. If we are planning an outing, and your child has special educational needs which means extra planning is required, the SENCo, or your child’s key person, will speak to you in advance to ensure that your child has the opportunity to take part and their needs are met.
7. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and friendly Pre-school, with a safe and stimulating environment that enriches your child’s learning and development. An environment where we can watch your children grow and flourish during their time with us, no matter whether they have special educational needs or not.
The positive relationship our staff have with our parents and children provides a caring environment that the children thrive in and feel safe and secure, enabling them to play, explore and interact with other children. This all leads to an environment where the children can learn best and their individual needs be met.
Many of our staff are trained first aiders, which along with our administering medicines policy means we can continue to administer your child’s medication if required to, with the aid of your health visitor we will draw up an appropriate care plan. All first aid training is regularly updated.
8. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the Pre-School?
Whilst we endeavour to support your child ourselves there may be times when we seek advice and help from outside agencies in order to effectively meet your child’s special educational needs. These services may include Area SENDCo, Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.
If your child has a special educational need that is new to us we will ensure that staff are appropriately trained so we can support your child effectively during their time in our setting. Within Rush Green Pre-School we currently have staff that are trained in Makaton and Basic Portage.
9. How accessible is the Pre-School both indoors and outdoors?
Rush Green Pre-School is set within a Community Centre that is all on one level. The setting is fully accessible for wheelchairs including ramp from the playground into the playroom and a disabled toilet. Although there is no specific disabled parking bays there is ample car parking at the rear of the building so this is not an issue. If any specialist equipment is required for your child we will consult with the community centre and outside agencies to do our upmost to meet your child’s needs.
10. How are parents involved in the Pre-School? How can I get involved?
We work with our parents to help all children to reach their full potential, including asking them in to spend time in the setting playing and watching all the fun things we get up to.
We carry out what is known as a two year old progress check when they are approximately 2 and a half years old, and this is shared with parents, giving you the chance to add your own comments. Every parent will also receive an annual progress report in June of each year.
Staff from the setting are out on the playground at the beginning of every session, and are happy to talk or arrange a mutually convenient time with you to discuss your child’s progress, whatever their needs.
Parents are kept informed of what their children are learning through regular newsletters, notices on board, website and facebook pages.
If you have any worries or concerns then please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s key person or the SENCo, who will do their upmost to deal with and work with you to resolve any issues.
Information about our complaints procedure is in our complaints policy which is available on request.
11. How will the Pre-School prepare and support my child to transfer to a new setting or school?
If your child has special educational needs then you will be invited to a person centred planning meeting (PCP), this involves any specialists involved with your child, our SENCo and the SENCo of your child’s new school in order to draw up an action plan to ensure a smooth transition between us and the school for your child, it ensures that your child’s needs are fully known about and sufficient support is out in place.
The action plan will also, usually, provide your child with opportunities to visit the school at various times during the school day and to meet their new class teacher.
If you have any further questions about what we can offer to support you and your child at Rush Green Pre-School please do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help.
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